Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween from Haunted Charleston

Personally, I am convinced that Charleston is one of the most haunted cities in all of the Americas. From the revenge of Blackbeard himself to war victims, criminals and bereaved Victorians, Charleston is awash in much more than just residual energetic imprints. Believe it or not, hardly anyone whom has spent any great deal of time here, cannot deny that on the occasional late-night stroll, and that in the silent midnight hours, there are certainly things that go "bump in the night" in the Holy City. Some of our ghosts still cause turmoil, some watch out over us, and some...well, they just cannot part from this lovely city regardless of how much time passes before them.

So, to celebrate the spirit of Halloween, and the many things unseen that continue to walk to streets of an old, old city we present this special series of videos which feature a few of Charleston's more famous departed inhabitants.

Special Props to Edward Macy. Hope you are well, my friend.

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